I’ll guide you through the entire process

Let's be honest, this might be your first time planning a wedding or getting your photos taken professionally. Who better to guide you than someone who has already been in your shoes. When my husband and I got married, the entire planning and photography process was new to us. I'm so thankful that I can use my personal and professional experience to help you!

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Let's get planning! Here are a few tips and things to consider.


Let's admit it, we all like pretty things.

That is why location is so important for an engagement, wedding, and a photography session in general. It sets the tone and gives your photos that extra pop!

I like to recommend locations that offer variety. Your album will be more diverse and intriguing. Keep this in mind when deciding where you'd like to have your photography session.

Time of day

The best time to schedule a photography session is when the sun is less harsh (EX: sunrise/sunset)

This enables me to capture beautiful images without a blown out background/sky.

If we are unable to shoot during these times, that's alright, I'm a professional and I can make it work! The secret? Find shade!


What am I going to wear? That is a question I ask myself far too often!

It is super important that you feel your best, confident, and comfortable in the clothes you wear for a photography session. But we could still use a little guidance, right?

Here's a few helpful tips:

  • Compliment each other (don't match)
  • Dress for the location and season
  • When in doubt, wear neutrals
  • Bring extra outfits
  • Be intentional
  • Be extra and get that new outfit
  • Go all out and get your hair and makeup done
  • Pinterest Pinterest Pinterest!!!
  • Be careful with patterns and prints
  • Be yourself!


This will be the main component during our time together. It's okay if you don't know how to pose, that is what I'm here for. I want to ensure you look your best and that you overall have a great time. I always go for poses that are natural, candid, fun, traditional, and that flatter you!